Staffing Agency Software- An Innovative & Modern System

20X is a software specifically designed to streamline the day to day operations of staffing agencies. It enhances operational efficiency, giving increased productivity and raises your business to new levels of profitability.

From recruitment to employment and routine staff management, the 20X software has all the tools you need.

Managing the entire staff data, auditing of the staff details and documentation using the software leads you to a seamless and effortless process of staff management.

Giving the staff the flexibility to schedule their work / shifts according to their availability gives them the freedom to lead a well balanced life.

Attractive online portal for job opportunities From recruitment to employment and routine staff management, the 20X software has all the tools you need.

Recruitment and Staff Management Managing the entire staff data, auditing of the staff details and documentation using the software leads you to a seamless and effortless process of staff management.

Job Scheduling and Rota Management Giving the staff the flexibility to schedule their work / shifts according to their availability gives them the freedom to lead a well balanced life.


Powerful features for ideal staffing solutions

The 20X Software boosts productivity by incorporating key features of effective resource management, time management and flexibility.

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Staff Manager – The software includes a comprehensive platform of all the staff information and settings required to manage all staff and the workflow effectively.

Shift Management – An integrated interface of the agency software and the staff mobile app streamlines the entire process of shift posting, allocation and acceptance of shift by staff all by the click of a button.

Timesheet – One of the most important features is the choice of timesheet. You can choose a paper based photo capture, paperless timesheet with digital time stamps and E-signature through mobile apps.

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Use Cases

Save hundreds of hours of administration time by cutting off time-wasting phone calls, emails and messages: leave it all to the powerful features of Bank Staff!

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How does it work?

  1. Allocate shifts to staff
  2. Staff can view the shifts on the mobile app
  3. Staff can accept the available shifts
  4. Staff get the sign off once the shift is completed
  5. The Agency verifies the completed shift
  6. Client Invoices are raised
  7. Payments are rolled out to the staff either on a weekly or monthly basis

Just a click away

Digitally Yours!

Digitally Yours!
The software can be accessed across all devices and making it as easy. Download the mobile app and complete your tasks in a jiffy.
Digitalisation in an easy and flexible way for staff which includes an overview of available, upcoming and completed shifts, scheduling work based on the staff availability, staff payments
From manual timesheets to the developed and digitalised paperless timesheet available on the app.
Notifications and alerts for the staff to keep their records up to date.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the common questions we are asked. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.



View our latest Blogs

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Revolutionising Healthcare Staffing with Advanced CRM Systems

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Revolutionising Healthcare Operations with Advanced Medical Staffing Software

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Medical Staffing Software: Streamlining Staffing for Healthcare Providers

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March 2023

How Nursing Agency Software is Revolutionizing the Care Industry

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Healthcare Employee Scheduling Software: Improving Efficiency and Quality of Care

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